A crazy bicycle we rented and rode down the boardwalk in Ocean City.

The only place Jared wanted to take a nap was on Daddy :) He even convinced Daddy to nap too!

Giving out orders :)

Keeping an eye on the ocean so it wouldn't get him...

Gotta love the cheeks!

Investigating the umbrella...

Giving orders to the umbrella...

Jared and Mommy

Watching Daddy play in the scary water :)

He didn't mind getting close as long as Daddy was carrying him

Watching the seagulls with daddy

He got scared of the waves this day and crawled up onto Daddy's back to be safe... notice he still isn't turning his back on that scary water.

Who needs a lounge chair when you have a daddy!

Reading on the beach

The beloved juice box

Who cares about pictures when you have a juice box

On the balcony of our rented condo

Feeling his belly :)

Scaring Daddy by insisting on getting close to the rail (we were on the 4th story) Mommy knew that belly would never fit through those bars...LOL

Playing in the arcade

The Latta Men

Jared helped clean!
Sorry this has taken so long... vacation was wonderful, but when we got home it was definately over! No time for anything :)
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